Befriending the Beloved

Being with the Beloved is a state of consciousness that is simultaneously filled with love and utterly empty. Initially it can be slightly disorienting, however it is also an expanded space out of which creativity, intuition and wise guidance emerge.

Turning towards it becomes a way of life because it feels like home. This friendship occurs only in the present moment so it is like a mindfulness practice on steroids.

Hanging out with the Beloved, then eventually becoming one with the Beloved, is an experience out of which appropriate responses to our own personal issues and our global crises arise. Following the Beloved’s guidance stretches us inwards into our bodies and outwards into the interconnection between all things.

R1998:00 with a deposit of R333 to book your place.

The course runs over 6 weeks once a week

Please contact me to make a booking, discuss payment plans or to find our more.

Join me for a free webinar and meditation on Thursday 12th of August at 7:00pm South African Time (UT+2:00). We will be defining and discussing Beloved work with a short meditation for dipping our toes in the water

I will also be offering an online course on Befriending the Beloved beginning September 9th. We’ll be meeting on Thursday evenings on Zoom. $133:00. The course includes interactive discussions and meditations in real time and in addition will include reading material, videos and exercises to complete at your own pace.

You are welcome to email me for further details